User Name *
Password *
Domain *

User Name and Password are case sensitive.

Password should be based on the below policy:-

1. Minimum length should be at least 15 characters.
2. Must not be a word that can be found in a dictionary or the name of a person, character, product, or organization.
3. Must not contain a pattern. Sample: qwerty, 12345, asdf, abcdef.
4. Must start with an uppercase alphabet or a lowercase alphabet.
5. Must contain at least 1 upper case character(s).
6. Must contain at least 1 lower case character(s).
7. Must include at least 1 numerical character(s).
8. Must not be a palindrome (words that read the same backwards as forwards; e.g., madam, refer, kayak).
9. Must not repeat any character more than 2 times consecutively.
10.Must not have 5 consecutive character(s) from username.
11.Must not be the last 12 passwords that you have already chosen.
12.Blank passwords are not permitted.
13.Account will lock after 5 unsuccessful attempts.
14.Password will expire in 45 days.